The First Problem

3 min readMay 25, 2019

We’re here. You’re here. We’re fine here, sort of. We like it the way it is, sort of.

Some things need to change. Like pronto. I mean we like it the way it is, but we need to change so much. And if we don’t, we’re expecting a rough ride, to say the least.

We have some problems. I love you, all of you, I really do. But we have some shit we need to start taking care of.

I know some of you are worried about the abortion laws, some are worried about immigration laws, other still have inflation problems, and in some worse of situations some of us are being slaughtered on a daily basis.

I have a list of my own, believe me.

We have a lot of problems. Yea. Everywhere you look something isn’t working.

We can get up and leave. You know, divorce-like. We could. Use your imagination.

But wait. Let’s not throw everything away. We’ve built so much. Created such beauty. Witnessed marvels and miracles that will fill our minds with stories for eons to come.

I love my iPad. I love my Android. I love the internet and Amazon and AliExpress. I love them, with and despite all their flaws.

I know at what price they come, most of us know. We simply choose to ignore, to look the other way. Because what are we to do?

Ugh. I’m losing it. We’re losing it. We’ve been beating around the bush for some time now. Maybe we need to talk? What do you say, love?


Let’s just talk for a minute, ok?

We have problems. Everyone is right. We need to do something about this.

Let’s start a discussion. We’re civilized people, all of us. We all just have a different perspective on things. And no matter how hard you try, you can’t change theirs and they won’t be able to change yours.

Our first order of business, before anything else, is us.

All of us. The entirety of the human race along with every other living creature on this one-and-only planet that we know that harbors life in the entirety of the known universe.

Our first problem is how do we work together.

We need to upgrade the existing version of our social operating systems. This version has an absurd amount of known bugs, it’s literally filled with exploits and security holes from top to bottom and then sideways.

This version is causing major problems throughout the planet.

We have issues such as massive deforestation. Desertification. We have a memory leak running for the last 200 or something years with the advent of oil and its combustibles and plastics suffocating our oceans and getting into our bloodstreams.

Every command attempted by any user level is being rewritten practically by everyone who cares to do so — there is absolutely no way of passing or receiving an honest command.

Most of our energy consumption goes on either heating or cooling the system — we’ve been improving our passive capabilities for well over 50 years but almost nothing is being implemented as the APIs and certificate authorities are so laggy and buggy that people use them in wrong ways creating even more issues down the pipe.

Let’s face it. It’s a cluster fuck. If it was a job you’d be going in to, you would look at this, you’d say your local Hail Mary, exclaim that your rates are ten-folds for such an atrocity, and pray to chance that the entire building would burn down before you actually sit down to untangle that mess.


Our first problem is us.

There is no them.

You can’t blame anyone. Not the chief, not the janitor. We’ve outgrown the system that birthed our modern society.

There’s the problem. Us. How we work together.

Let’s sit down, start talking. And please, leave the legacy code out. I’m done with legacy code. Backwards compatibility is a minor priority, if it all. The dead, apparently, don’t care what APIs we use.

I have to wrap it up now, but by all means, don’t wait up for me. Back to work now. Proposals for the first meeting time and location are welcome.

